Topic Specialization Step 3. Package the Modules as a Toolkit Plugin

Now that the declarations are complete and validated, we need to package the declarations for use in documents. The best way to do this is to package it as an Open Toolkit plugin. Making it into a plugin does two things:
  • Provides entity resolution catalogs for mapping public identifiers to the various files.
  • Makes it easy to deploy the vocabulary modules to Toolkit instances, which in turn makes the modules automatically available to tools that use the Toolkit to access vocabulary modules.
To set up the plugin, follow these steps:
  1. In the faq-question directory create a file named plugin.xml with this content:
    <plugin id="org.example.faq-question.doctype">
      <feature extension="dita.specialization.catalog.relative" value="catalog.xml" type="file"/>
  2. In the faq-question directory create a file named catalog.xml with this content:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <catalog xmlns="urn:oasis:names:tc:entity:xmlns:xml:catalog" prefer="public">
      <nextCatalog catalog="dtd/catalog.xml"/>
  3. In the faq-question/dtd directory create a file named catalog.xml with this content:
    <catalog xmlns="urn:oasis:names:tc:entity:xmlns:xml:catalog" prefer="public">
      <public publicId=""
      <public publicId=""
      <public publicId=""
  4. Edit the file faq-question/dtd/faq-question.dtd and update the entity declarations for the .ent and .mod files to use the URNs defined in the catalog file:
    <!ENTITY % faq-question-dec     
      PUBLIC "" 
    <!ENTITY % faq-question-typemod 
      PUBLIC "" "faq-question-v1.mod"                                                        
  5. Copy the test document to create a new test document, faq-question-test-02.xml, and modify its DOCTYPE declaration so it uses the URN of the .dtd file and a bogus system identifier (so the parser has to use the public ID to resolve the reference to the DTD file1):
    <?xml version="1.0"?>          
    <!DOCTYPE faq-question 
      PUBLIC "" 
    <faq-question id="question-id">
      <faq-question-statement>Can I add attributes to specific element types?</faq-question-statement>
      <faq-answer >
        <p>No, you can only define global attributes, specialized either from @ase
        or @props.</p>

    Edit this document: it should not validate because you haven't deployed the plugin to your Open Toolkit yet.

  6. Deploy the plugin to your Open Toolkit by copying the faq-question directory to the plugins directory of your Open Toolkit.
    Run the integrator.xml Ant task to integrate the plugin:
    c:\DITA-OT > ant -f integrator.xml

    This adds a reference to the faq-question/catalog.xml file into the Toolkit's master entity resolution catalog, catalog-dita.xml.

  7. Configure your editor or validation tool to use the catalog catalog-dita_template.xml and verify that faq-question-test-02.xml validates.

    If you are using OxygenXML and you deployed the plugin to Oxygen's Toolkit, then you should just need perform the "Reset cache and validate" action. With other editors or validators you may need to explicitly configure the use of the catalog-dita.xml catalog.

Your new topic type is now ready to use.

1 Pedantically, the reference to the external parameter entity declaration set.